A company limited by guarantee     A.B.N. 54 943 635 817


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: The 2021 Annual General Meeting of Wyong Race Club Limited will be held on Tuesday 9 November 2021 in the Magic Millions Lounge (middle floor), Wyong Racecourse, Howarth St, Wyong, commencing at 6.00pm


The business of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be as follows:-

1. Confirm the Minutes of the 2020 Annual General Meeting.

2. Receive & consider Annual Financial Report for year ended 30 June 2021 including –

        • Directors’ Report
        • Statement of Comprehensive Income
        • Statement of Financial Position
        • Statement of Cash Flows
        • Statement of Changes in Equity
        • Notes to the Financial Statements
        • Auditor’s Reports

3.  Further Notices of Motion:

A. “That Members approve and agree to expenditure by the Club until the next Annual General Meeting of the Club of reasonable expenses incurred by directors in relation to such other duties including entertainment of special guests to the Club and other promotional activities performed by directors including attending functions at other clubs to represent the Club, such activities and expenses as may be approved.”

B. “That Members approve and agree to the availability until the next Annual General Meeting of the Club a reserved car space at Club race meetings for directors.”

C. “That Members approve and agree to expenditure by the Club until the next Annual General Meeting of the Club of reasonable cost of refreshments after Board meetings.”

4. Appoint the Auditor for the ensuing year.

5. Election of Patron.

6. Transact, in accordance with the Constitution, any other ordinary business that may be lawfully brought forward.

Robin Taylor

General Manager

It would be appreciated if members who wish to raise queries or seek information about any matters appearing in the Annual Report, give at least (10) days written notice to the General Manager. This will allow sufficient time for proper research and preparation of the replies for the benefit of all Members.

Members and Proxies attending the AGM will be required to prove their identity with photo ID such as a driver’s licence, a passport, or similar. A Member’s card by itself will be insufficient proof of identity.

Appointing a Proxy: if you are a Member entitled to attend and vote at this AGM, you may appoint a person as your proxy to attend and vote for you at the meeting. A proxy need not be a member of the company. For the appointment of a proxy to be effective the required form (available from the Racing Club office) will need to be completed and returned by 4pm Thursday 4 November 2021. The Constitution of the Wyong Race Club does not provide for postal voting.

The AGM will need be held in accordance with any COVID-19 restrictions active at the time of the meeting.   Members are asked to familiarise themselves with any active restrictions on the day of the AGM and to only attend the AGM if the restrictions permit them to do so.



Given the easing of restrictions in NSW, we’re now in a position to offer members-only tickets to our upcoming race meetings. This is a promising step closer to inviting spectators back to our track to enjoy the thrill of live racing. 

We’re focusing on safety in low numbers, so only an extremely limited number of Member-only tickets will be released in advance of Wyong race days. Admission will be for pre-purchased ticket holders only, sold on a first-come-first-served basis. There will be designated zones for each ticket holder and a temperature test on arrival. We’re so excited to welcome you back, but we must do this gradually, with care.

We’re being extremely proactive by taking every precaution to ensure the continued safety of our Club’s patrons, staff and our community. We invite you to support us in our continued commitment to protecting the industry, and get involved where possible.



We’re continuing to implement Racing NSW restrictions and NSW Health guidelines until further notice.

With NSW COVID-19 cases remaining at low levels and the NSW Government commencing to relax COVID-19 restrictions, Racing NSW has now commenced relaxing some of the restrictions it introduced on 16 March 2020, to allow industry stakeholders the opportunity for increased participation.

We are being extremely proactive and taking every precaution to ensure the safety of our Club’s patrons, staff and community. Following the latest advice from Racing NSW, we continue to implement restrictions on public attendance. 

Wyong Race Club’s thoroughbred race meeting restrictions are being eased. Despite the 1 July 2020 NSW Public Health Orders permitting the admission to spectators to racecourses:

  • by way of tickets to assigned seating areas, with total numbers not to exceed 25% of the capacity of the racecourse or 10,000 persons; or
  • limited to a maximum of 500 persons (subject to 4 square metre rule).

as we have some of our facilities, such as the Sincero Bar, being utilised to assist in the social distancing of essential personnel, the Club is not in a position to take full advantage of the eased restrictions. For our next meeting on 11 July 2020, in addition to essentential personnel, we are only allowing owners and pre-booked Members on-course.

Access to licensed training stables remains closed to the public, including owners, until further notice.

We’re also asking all our staff, business partners, owners, trainers, jockeys and other contractors to adopt enhanced preventative measures and maintain social distancing. 


Race Meetings, Barrier Trials and Trackwork

Attendance by persons working at racecourse

Persons that are engaged in work are permitted to attend race meetings, barrier trials and trackwork without restrictions.

All other attendees

  • Race Clubs are now able to admit racegoers into the racecourse by way of tickets to assigned seating areas or without seating if limited to a maximum of 500 persons.
  • For race meetings where the Race Club has elected to admit racegoers by way of tickets to assigned seating areas, admission to the racecourse is by way of a ticket with each person assigned to a seating area, with total numbers not to exceed 25% of the capacity of the racecourse or 10,000 persons.
  • For race meetings where the Race Club has elected to limit attendance to a maximum of 500 persons and barrier trials and trackwork, the only other restriction on numbers is that the size of the racecourse is sufficient to ensure that there is at least 4 square metres of space for each person.
  • Racegoers are required to provide contact details by way of phone number or email address. If racegoers are attending as part of a discreet group, then at least one adult member of that group (for example, the person who makes the booking or reservation) need to provide contact details. That adult member must provide contact details of all other persons in the group to the Department of Health if requested.
  • Any hospitality areas where food and drink is served is restricted to the total number of customers calculated by allowing four (4) square metres of space for each customer (excluding staff members) in that area.
  • Racegoers should consult with the relevant Race Club in respect of the process for attending race meetings, barrier trials and trackwork, including as to whether the Race Club intends to cap attendance at a maximum of 500 persons or alternatively, offer admission by way of tickets to allocated seating areas. Noting that pre-booking will ensure attendance and avoid disappointment due to capacity restrictions
  • Race Clubs are required to develop and comply with a COVID-19 Safety Plan, which includes provisions in respect of physical distancing such as separation of seated groups, ensuring physical distancing between non-household groups, preventing co-mingling of spectator groups and reducing crowding in areas where people stand (including along the railings at racecourses). The approved COVID-19 Safety Plan also provides that alcohol can only be served to seated patrons.
  • Race Clubs and racegoers continue to abide by existing COVID-19 Protocols including social distancing of 1.5 metres, sufficient space for one person per 4 square metres, good hygiene practices at all times and unwell persons not to be permitted access to racecourses.


  • All other restrictions remain in place, including segregation of jockeys and other on course personnel. Temperature checking of jockeys entering the racecourse for race meetings to continue.

Additional Measures for Upcoming Race Meetings:

If you are due to attend Wyong racecourse, we need to ensure an extra precautionary layer before you can access our grounds.

In the interest of public health, please do not visit the Club if you’re:

  • Suffering from coronavirus symptoms or are generally unwell
  • Had close contact with a person suspected or confirmed to have coronavirus
  • Awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test
  • Subject to self-isolation requirements imposed by the Government

The best course of action is to be proactive. Familiarise yourself with the COVID-19 facts. If you suspect you may have coronavirus, or have been in contact with someone who has, you should isolate yourself and immediately seek medical advice.

Call the national Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080, or contact your medical practitioner.

If an event you were due to host at our Club needs to be postponed or cancelled due to updated advice from NSW Health, there will be refund or rescheduling options made available to you. If you have any questions about an upcoming race day, event, or function you are involved in with us, please don’t hesitate to get in touch

If we act together, we can ensure that Wyong Race Club and its thoroughbred racing community continue to run as close to normal operations as possible in the near future.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation, and our Club wishes your family well at this challenging time.

IMPORTANT WRC Community Update

IMPORTANT WRC Community Update 5

IMPORTANT WRC Community Update 6

Dear Racing Industry Participants,

Given the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation across New South Wales, we need to advise you of changes to Wyong Race Club’s approach to equine operations, race meetings, functions and events.

We are being extremely proactive and taking every precaution to ensure the safety of our Club’s patrons, staff and community. Following the latest advice from Racing NSW, we are implementing restrictions on public attendance.

Effective immediately, Wyong Race Club’s thoroughbred race meetings, barrier trials, trackwork and access to licensed training stables will not be open to the public, including owners, until further notice.

We’re asking all our staff, business partners, owners, trainers, jockeys and other contractors to adopt enhanced preventative measures and maintain social distancing. 

If we act together, we can ensure that Wyong Race Club and its thoroughbred racing community continue to run as close to normal operations as possible in the near future.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation, and we wish your family well at this testing time.

Robin Taylor
General Manager
Wyong Race Club Limited.

Changes to Upcoming Race Meetings

Until further notice, only essential personnel will be permitted entry to our racecourse. They will be required to leave promptly after their horses have run. There will be no wagering facilities provided. This is all in accordance with the latest advice provided by Racing NSW.

Essential personnel permitted access includes:

  • Racing NSW Stewards and Veterinarians
  • Trainers, Jockeys and Stablehands with a runner at the race meeting
  • Barrier Attendants,
  • Starters and essential Track Staff
  • Clerks of the Course
  • Judges and Sectional
  • Timing Teams
  • Weighing Room Staff and Jockey’s Attendants
  • Race day Event Staff and security (horse stalls, mounting yards and float carpark)
  • Club Doctor and Ambulance Services
  • Farriers and other essential service providers approved by Racing NSW and Wyong Race Club
  • Broadcast services including Race Caller
  • Restricted Core Racing Media as approved by Racing NSW and Wyong Race Club
  • Restricted operational Wyong Race Club staff and management.

Additional measures for upcoming Race Meetings:

If you are an essential personnel required to attend Wyong racecourse, we need to ensure an extra precautionary layer before you can access our grounds.

In the interest of public health, you won’t be permitted access to our grounds if you’re:

  • Suffering from coronavirus symptoms or are generally unwell
  • Had close contact with a person suspected or confirmed to have coronavirus
  • Visited a country considered at higher risk of COVID-19 in the past 14 days (currently mainland China, Iran, Italy and South Korea)
  • Subject to self-isolation requirements imposed by the Government
  • Vulnerable to or have a pre-existing respiratory disease
  • Considered in a high risk group, including the elderly or have an underlying illness such as diabetes, chronic lung disease, kidney failure or a suppressed immune system.

Be proactive.

Familiarise yourself with the COVID-19 facts. If you suspect you may have coronavirus, or have been in contact with someone who has, you should isolate yourself and immediately seek medical advice. 

Call the national Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080, or contact your medical practitioner.

We’re here to help.

If an event you were due to host at our Club needs to be postponed or cancelled due to updated advice from NSW Health, there will be refund or rescheduling options made available to you.

If you have any questions about an upcoming race day, event, or function you are involved in with us, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

AGM Update

The Club held its Annual General Meeting on 11th November. The meeting was attended by 36 Members, the Club’s auditors plus a number of key management and staff.

The Chairman and CEO updated the meeting on the affairs of the Club over the past 12 months or so, and the Club’s prospects for the future.

The Chairman, John Waghorn, spoke to his report highlighting the significant steps the Club has made in progressing its strategy, much of which has been achieved under the Chairmanship of Garry Whitaker who resigned earlier this year in May. He thanked his fellow directors and staff for their contribution during the year. He also acknowledged the importance of Club’s supportive sponsors, in particular CUB and Magic Millions.

CEO David Jewell, as part of his detailed presentation, confirmed that this was his sixth and final Chief Executive’s report to Members. He indicated that the Club financial result, a net loss of $349k, was disappointing given the Club had enjoyed a largely successful year. The significant reduction in the scheme of distribution from RNSW at the end of FY19 was the major contributor to the Club not being able to report a breakeven result of the year, breaking a four-year streak of positive results for the Club. He noted that all the other Provincial Clubs had reported losses of the same order, in the same year that RNSW reported a $14m profit off the back of increased returns from wagering sources outside of TABCORP.

David Jewell provided the members with a number of key highlights achieved during his tenure as CEO. He confirmed that while he was stepping down as CEO, he was not finished and would be staying on to deliver two significant projects for the Club – the electrical supply upgrade to the stabling area and the construction of a new $4m Polytrack synthetic training track, which received contractual approval from RNSW earlier that day.

David Jewell acknowledged the support of the Club’s Board and staff in making the transformation in the Club’s position possible. He also acknowledged the importance of the continued support received by the Club from its members, trainers, stable staff, owners, contractors, jockeys, RNSW stewards, TAB and Sky Channel staff, the local media, sponsors, the H&H catering team and fellow Provincial Racing Club Chief Executives and their Boards, remarking, “There are a lot of people involved in helping us consistently deliver successful racing events at Wyong. I am very proud to have been part of that team.”

The Meeting elected Darren Hooper via ballot, the General Manager of Unity Bank, to fill the casual vacancy on the Board. In addressing the meeting Darren remarked that he was looking forward to making a positive contribution to the Wyong Race Club as he believed the Club is critical for the long-term prospects of Wyong. The Chairman thanked Darin Butcher for his nomination and expressed his hope that Darin would consider renominating in the future.

Bob Graham was appointed Club Patron for what will be his 30th year in the position.

Wyong Race Club 2019 Board Elections

As previously advised the Club has a vacancy for an elected member director this year following the resignation in June of Garry Whitaker.

When nominations closed at 12 noon on Friday 25 October, 2019 two nominations had been received. The Wyong Race Board confirmed at its meeting on Tuesday 29 October, 2019 that both nominations – being from Darin Butcher and Darren Hooper, complied with the Club Rules. Click Here to read their profiles.

This notice confirms that an election will be required to be held at the Club’s Annual General Meeting on Monday 11 November, 2019, where members in attendance will be asked to vote for their preferred candidate.

Only financial Members are entitled to attend and vote at the AGM. You may attend in person or by proxy. A voting Member who is entitled to attend and cast a vote at the AGM may appoint another person as their proxy to attend and vote at the meeting.

Members wishing to vote by proxy must do so in writing on the prescribed form available on request from the WRC office.

Please note for your proxy voting form to be valid, it must be completed and signed and have been received by the Wyong Racing Club by the closing time of 4pm Thursday, 7 November, 2019 (not less than 48 hours before the time for holding the meeting) as prescribed in the Club’s constitution.

Voting forms will be provided to financial Members (and their nominated proxy) who are eligible to vote at the AGM. Please note postal voting is not permitted, but as detailed here you can nominate a proxy who is attending the meeting (or the chairman) to vote on your behalf.

Remember: MEMBERS AND Proxies attending the AGM will be required to provide their identity with photo ID such as a driver’s licence, passport or similar. A Members card by itself will be insufficient proof of identity.

The Annual General Meeting of the Wyong Race Club will commence at 6pm

The meeting will be held in the Magic Millions Lounge on the first floor of the main stand.

David Jewell

Chief Executive




    A company limited by guarantee     A.B.N. 54 943 635 817


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: The 2019 Annual General Meeting of Wyong Race Club Limited will be held on Monday 11 November 2019 in the Magic Millions Lounge (middle floor), Wyong Racecourse, Howarth St, Wyong, commencing at 6.00pm


The business of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be as follows:-

1. Confirm the Minutes of the 2018 Annual General Meeting.

2. Receive & consider Annual Financial Report for year ended 30 June 2019 including –

        • Directors’ Report
        • Statement of Comprehensive Income
        • Statement of Financial Position
        • Statement of Cash Flows
        • Statement of Changes in Equity
        • Notes to the Financial Statements
        • Auditor’s Reports

3. Election of Board members – one Member to be elected to fill the casual vacancy resulting from the resignation of Garry Whitaker in May, 2019.

4. Further Notices of Motion:

A. “That Members approve and agree to expenditure by the Club until the next Annual General Meeting of the Club of reasonable expenses incurred by directors in relation to such other duties including entertainment of special guests to the Club and other promotional activities performed by directors including attending functions at other clubs to represent the Club, such activities and expenses as may be approved.”

B. “That Members approve and agree to the availability until the next Annual General Meeting of the Club a reserved car space at Club race meetings for directors.”

C. “That Members approve and agree to expenditure by the Club until the next Annual General Meeting of the Club of reasonable cost of refreshments after Board meetings.”

5. Appoint the Auditor for the ensuing year.

6. Election of Patron.

7. Transact, in accordance with the Constitution, any other ordinary business that may be lawfully brought forward.

David Jewell

Chief Executive

It would be appreciated if members who wish to raise queries or seek information about any matters appearing in the Annual Report, give at least (10) days written notice to the Chief Executive. This will allow sufficient time for proper research and preparation of the replies for the benefit of all Members.


Please note:

Members wishing to nominate for the ONE (1) available elected positions on the Board of Directors are required to lodge their nominations on the prescribed form with the Company’s Chief Executive at the General Office, Howarth Street, Wyong NOT LATER THAN 12 noon on Friday 25 October 2019. Nomination forms are available from the Club’s Office during normal business hours. Please note the three elected and three independent directors were all confirmed in 2018 for three year terms and will continue in office.

Election of the Boardshall take place in the following manner:

  1. Any two Ordinary or Life Members of the Club shall be at liberty to nominate any other Ordinary or Life Member or a person who has been a member of the Board to serve as an officer or other member of the Board.
  2. The nomination must be in writing and signed by the member and his proposer and seconder shall be lodged with the secretary by 12 noon on Friday 25 October, 2019.
  3. A list of such nominations, with proposer’s and seconder’s names, shall be posted at the Club’s registered offices at least seven days immediately preceding the meeting at which the elections take place and will be made available on the Wyong RC website, not later than Thursday 31 October 2019.

The 2019 Annual Report will be posted to all financial Members on or before 17 October 2019 in accordance with the Rules.


Members and Proxies attending the AGM will be required to prove their identity with photo ID such as a driver’s licence, a passport, or similar. A Member’s card by itself will be insufficient proof of identity.

Appointing a Proxy: if you are a Member entitled to attend and vote at this AGM, you may appoint a person as your proxy to attend and vote for you at the meeting. A proxy need not be a member of the company. For the appointment of a proxy to be effective the required form (available from the Racing Club office) will need to be completed and returned by 4pm Thursday 7 November 2019. The Constitution of the Wyong Race Club does not provide for postal voting.

Lees Wyong Cup Trio

Lees Wyong Cup Trio 8

Kris Lees is planning a three-pronged attack for this year’s $160,000 Listed Carlton Draught Wyong Gold Cup.

Lees took out the 2016 version of the prestigious race with Australian Bloodstock’s Slow Pace and plans for two runners, Sixties Groove and Mongolian Wolfe, raced by the same syndicate, to be part of this year’s field.

High Opinion, who was runner up in the Listed Wagga Cup in May, will make up the Lees trio.

English import Sixties Groove trialled at Newcastle on August 19 and Lees was more than happy with what he showed.

“It was a bit of a surprise that he won the trial. The track was pretty firm, and I didn’t expect him to be so sharp, but it shapes up well for the coming preparation,” he said.

The seven-year-old, a winner of the Group 2 Doomben Cup in June, just fell short of qualifying for the Melbourne Cup last year and will begin his quest to run in this year’s version at Wyong.

New Zealand import Mongolian Wolf was second in the Taree Cup on August 18 and has shown his best form at 2000m and beyond.

“It was a promising run at Taree considering he runs much better on a wet track. It would be great if there were conditions at Wyong on Cup day to suit him.”

High Opinion finished strongly when finishing fourth on the Kensington track on August 17 over 1800m and looks primed for a second-up run over the 2100m at Wyong.

John Thompson has confirmed his in-form mare Sweet Deal will head to the $140,000 Listed Mona Lisa over 1350m on Cup day after she posted back to back wins in the 1400m BM88 at Randwick on Saturday.